Following from lest weekend playing trains, I've been back at the model again this weekend. I did some more work on Moel Tryfan and thought I'd make some progress by spraying it and Russell in primer. First spray went well but then the second just spluttered a bit and turned it into that awful orange peel texture on the surface. Thankfully they're both soldered together so the paint stripper can come out again and take them back to metal. However I bought some paints last weekend so thought I'd use it as an opportunity to see how they look, so here they are.
Moel Tryfan is in Midland red which is supposed to be the correct colour for an ex-shop loco. Russell is in a dark brick red which is what the paint was reported to fade to relatively quickly. The brick red isn't quite as pale as the camera flash has made it look but I still find it a bit weak. I may use it with some varnish on some coaching stock but I think I may mix it with some of the Midland red to get a slightl less vibrant colour for some of the loco stock.
I also spent a bit of time completing a covered van and putting together a Parkside kit of a Pickering Brake Composite. I have to say I've been a bit disappointed by this kit as it is purely the sides and ends and some plasticard for a floor and roof. I wasn't expecting to have to create an underframe for it so now I'll have to sort out some I beam sections for the solebars and something for the truss rods. If I'd known it before I would just have gone fro some Worsley sides but you live and learn.